Made in Mathews Open Studio Tour 2024
Another Successful Made in Mathews Tour This Year!

The Bay School Community Arts Center was pleased to participate in the 23rd year of the Made in Mathews Open Studio Tour!
Visit the Made in Mathews Studio Tour website to learn more about the artists and businesses who participated.
The following vendors were set up outside of the Art Speaks Gallery during the Made in Mathews Studio Tour. Thank you for supporting the tour and artists of Mathews!
Handmade leather and canvas bags
Rita Cutler - Whiskey Bottle Art

Martha Barker - Signs and gifts

Student Art Contest
Friday, November 15
Made in Mathews held its fourth annual Student Art Contest to celebrate the imagination and talent of young people from Gloucester's Middle and High Schools and The Bay School's OpenArts After School Program. Working with Mathews High School art teacher Rachel Morris, Thomas Hunter Middle School art teacher Katie Witowski, and Bay School teacher Jennifer Schroeder, 82 pieces of artwork were submitted for the event.
The event, held at The Bay School, was organized by Tamara Rollins and judged by Lynn Abrams and Karen Pittman, all artists participating in the Made in Mathews Studio Tour.
Awards were given and all had a fabulous time admiring and congratulating the participants!
Award Winners - High School Competition
- First Place - Kristen Blake
- Second Place - Camren Matthews
- Third Place - Katherine Murphy
- Honorable Mentions - Marisa Hudgins, Shaleigh Conrow, Suki Zheng
Award Winners - Middle School Competition
- First Place - Liam Tiller
- Second Place - Finley West
- Third Place - Samara Del Angel Najera
- Honorable Mentions - Marvin Ouma, Brandy Minor