Ice Cream, Art, and Drama at The Bay School!
Saturday, August 17 was a fun-filled day with great weather!
From 11 AM-3 PM folks were beating the heat with something sweet, buying handmade ceramic bowls filled with ice cream and toppings to help Clay by the Bay Ceramics Guild raise money for improvements to The Bay School's pottery studio.
From 10 AM-3 PM sidewalk shoppers explored and celebrated the work of our next generation of artists, viewing the student art exhibition of work created during our Summer Art Camps. Student vendors also sold their work alongside the regular weekend Artisan Market and a wide variety of arts and crafts were for sale inside and outside our gallery!
The highlight of the day was at noon when our Theatre Camp students performed two, one-act plays based on C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia and Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland on the backyard stage!
Enjoy just a sampling of pictures from the event!