July/August Artist of the Month: Bart Levy

Artist's Statement

In a tumultuous world with bad news on the doorstep every day, the natural world can bring solace and peace. My paintings capture that feeling, that "ahh"—we can take a breath, recenter, and carry on. My paintings speak to the heart of our landscape.

I am a child of the south. Hot, humid summers with frigid air conditioning, iced tea all year round, and children brought up to be polite to their elders. Born in Virginia, raised in North Carolina, a resident of Virginia all of my adult life, the southern environment definitely influences my painting: landscapes and lush summer flowers, the peacefulness, the isolation, and the sense of home.

I graduated VCU with a BFA in painting and printmaking. You can learn more at https://bartlevyart.com and follow me @bartlevyart on Facebook and Instagram.

View and shop Bart's work in our gallery.